Welcome to the Company.info API documentation hub! 😎
You're on your way to automate data-driven processes with great user-experience in your own website or platform. Here's some of the things you need to know to get started.
🎓 The basics
All of our API's in the API Hub are REST API's.
🔗 Base URL
Our base URL:
💶 Billing
Every API in the API hub is being billed based on usage. The endpoints that are being billed however depend on the API. For example, when the API is order based where the order needs to be picked up, the endpoint to pick up the order is in most likely not being billed. Only the endpoint to order the document is billable. Please verify if the endpoint is being billed on the page of the API!
👟 Step-by-step guide
- Get familiar with our documentation - Get started by reading everything you need to know in our "Getting Started" section. Which you are at right now 😉
- Get an API key - Within the API hub, we make use of API keys. Everything about Authentication can be read here
- Everything about JSON API - We make use of the JSON API standard within all of our API's in the API hub. This is a set of rules that standardizes the JSON response given. This makes the response predictable and in the same format across all of our API's! To learn more about JSON API and with some examples, click here
- Get started by testing one of our API's! 🎉 - With everything ready to go, why not test one of our API's by selecting one of them in them in the menu on the left. Need a more detailed explantation? Please refer to our documentation page to get a more detailed description of what the API's are for.