Compliance Screening

💻 Purpose of the API

The Compliance screening API allows you to query the compliance datasets using a set of parameters. Screen for persons and businesses and get their compliance profile. It is delivered over HTTPs, conforms to RESTful principles, and returns JSON objects.

🤔 How to use?

This API works in a way that you first search for a person or business and with the GET /persons or GET /businesses endpoint. In the returned results you can decide if the matched results are indeed the person or business you are searching for. After that, you can use the ID to call the GET /persons/{ID} or GET /businesses/{ID} endpoint to fetch the full profile.

Compliance Screening Flow

Base URL

GET /persons


This endpoint is being billed

This endpoint is used to search a person on some search parameters and see if they are being mentioned in some or all datasets. This will return a list of potential hits. The certainty of the hit will be marked with a score in the score field in the result where 100 is the highest score. This endpoint returns just a basic profile of the returned hits. For a more detailed profile, the GET /person/{id} will give a detailed profile of a person (more information about this endpoint below).

⁉️ Request parameters

  • provider - The provided of the compliance data (available: kyc_aml)
  • name - The full name of the person you are searching for. For best results use the format of "lastnames, firstnames middlenames", or "firstnames middlenames lastnames". The former should be used if you know the explicit last name of the person as the latter will determine the last name automatically.
  • datasets - The datasets you want to search through. All of the available datasets and what they mean are down below. Can search through multiple datasets if you provide them with comma separation.
  • threshold - The minimum score you want the match to be before it returns a result. (min 75 to max 100. Defaults to 85)
  • countries - Searches if the person is from a certain country. It is possible to search for multiple countries and returns if it matches one of them. Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2.
  • countryRequired - Tells if profiles with unknown country and no nationality should be filtered out of the search results when searching for a person or a business from a specified country.
  • dateOfBirth - The date of birth of the person you try to find.
  • dateOfBirthMatching - Determines the accuracy of the date of birth matching.
  • dateOfBirthRequired - Tells if profiles with unknown date of birth should be filtered out of the search results when searching for a person with a specified date of birth.
  • gender - Define the gender of the person you are searching for.
  • matching - Defines what name-matching algorithm is used for profile search. The Fuzzy algorithm is the default and applies all of our fuzzy matching techniques to ensure the most accurate results. The Strict algorithm uses some fuzzy matching, but is more restrictive in its approach and may miss some matches if the exact name is not known. We strongly recommend using the Fuzzy algorithm for the best results and only using the Strict algorithm to reduce the number of matches to the bare minimum, when the exact name is known.
  • pepTiers - When searching the PEP dataset, define what tiers of the PEP profiles should be included in the results. Where PEP Tier 1 indicates senior roles, PEP Tier 2 - middle-ranking, and PEP Tier 3 - junior officials. If the PEP Dataset is NOT included on the list of searched datasets, then this value is ignored. The PEP Tier filter does not apply to PEP-LINKED Profiles.


When a parameter is set to false, profiles without that value will appear in the results with a small penalty applied to the score. This applies to for example the dateOfBirthRequired and countryRequired fields.

📚 Datasets for Persons profile

Dataset KeyDescription
PEPSearch all Politically Exposed Persons: current, former, and linked
PEP-CURRENTSearch only the current Politically Exposed Persons
PEP-FORMERSearch only the former Politically Exposed Persons
PEP-LINKEDSearch only the Politically Exposed Persons by association
SANSearch all Sanctions: current and former
SAN-CURRENTSearch only current Sanctions
SAN-FORMERSearch only former Sanctions
RRESearch the Reputational Risk Exposure dataset
RELSearch the Regulatory Enforcement Lists
POISearch the Profiles of Interest dataset
DDSearch the Disqualified Directors dataset
INSSearch the Insolvency Register


Datasets with CURRENT and FORMER cannot be specified with the full versions of datasets. For example: PEP-CURRENT,PEP is an invalid combination, while PEP-CURRENT,PEP-FORMER is okay

Example request


All the available parameters can also be found at our API reference page here

curl --request GET \
     --url '[threshold]=85&match[countryRequired]=false&match[dateOfBirthMatching]=sameYear&match[dateOfBirthRequired]=false&match[matching]=fuzzy&match[name]=Mark%2C%20Rutte&match[datasets]=PEP&page[size]=10&page[number]=1' \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: ***********************' \
     --header 'accept: application/vnd.api+json'

Example response

  "data": [
      "type": "persons",
      "id": "123456789",
      "attributes": {
        "countries": [
        "datasets": [
        "datesOfBirth": [
        "gender": "Male",
        "match": "Mark Rutte",
        "monitoringID": "123456789",
        "name": "Mark Rutte",
        "pepTier": "PEP Tier 1",
        "profileImage": "",
        "score": 100,
        "version": 1720112978087
      "links": {
        "self": "/persons/123456789"
  "links": {
    "self": "/persons?match[countryRequired]=false&match[datasets]=PEP&match[dateOfBirthMatching]=sameYear&match[dateOfBirthRequired]=false&match[matching]=fuzzy&match[name]=Mark, Rutte&match[threshold]=85&provider=kyc_aml&page[size]=10&page[number]=1"
  "meta": {
    "totalPages": 1,
    "totalResults": 1

GET /businesses


This endpoint is being billed

This endpoint is used to search a business on some search parameters and see if they are being mentioned in some or all datasets. This will return a list of potential hits. The certainty of the hit will be marked with a score in the result where 100 is the highest score. This endpoint returns just a basic profile of the returned hits. For a more detailed profile, the GET /businesses/{id} will give a detailed profile of a business (more information about this endpoint down below).

⁉️ Request parameters

  • provider - The provided of the compliance data (available: kyc_aml)
  • name - The full name of the person you are searching for. For best results use the format of "lastnames, firstnames middlenames", or "firstnames middlenames lastnames". The former should be used if you know the explicit last name of the person as the latter will determine the last name automatically.
  • datasets - The datasets you want to search through. All of the available datasets and what they mean are down below. Can search through multiple datasets if you provide them with comma separation.
  • threshold - The minimum score you want the match to be before it returns a result. (min 75 to max 100. Defaults to 85)
  • countries - Searches if the person is from a certain country. It is possible to search for multiple countries and returns if it matches one of them. Two-letter country code ISO-3166-2.
  • countryRequired - Tells if profiles with unknown country and no nationality should be filtered out of the search results when searching for a person or a business from a specified country. If set to false (default value), and the country is specified, profiles with no country and no nationality will appear in the results with a small penalty applied due to the lack of a country match. If set to true, and country is specified, profiles with no country and no nationality will NOT appear in the results. If the country is not specified in the search, the attribute is ignored (profiles with no country and no nationality will appear in search results with no penalty).
  • matching - Defines what name-matching algorithm is used for profile search. The Fuzzy algorithm is the default and applies all of our fuzzy matching techniques to ensure the most accurate results. The Strict algorithm uses some fuzzy matching, but is more restrictive in its approach and may miss some matches if the exact name is not known. We strongly recommend using the Fuzzy algorithm for the best results and only using the Strict algorithm to reduce the number of matches to the bare minimum, when the exact name is known.


When a parameter is set to false, profiles without that value will appear in the results with a small penalty applied to the score. This applies to for example the countryRequired field.

📚 Datasets for Businesses profile

Dataset KeyDescription
PEPSearch all Politically Exposed Persons: current, former, and linked
PEP-LINKEDSearch only the Politically Exposed Persons by association
SANSearch all Sanctions: current and former
SAN-CURRENTSearch only current Sanctions
SAN-FORMERSearch only former Sanctions
RRESearch the Reputational Risk Exposure dataset
RELSearch the Regulatory Enforcement Lists
POISearch the Profiles of Interest dataset
INSSearch the Insolvency Register
SOESearch all State-Owned Enterprises: current and former
SOE-CURRENTSearch only current State-Owned Enterprises
SOE-FORMERSearch only former State-Owned Enterprises


Datasets with CURRENT and FORMER cannot be specified with the full versions of datasets. For example: SAN-CURRENT,SAN is an invalid combination, while SAN-CURRENT,SAN-FORMER is okay

Example request


All the available parameters can also be found at our API reference page here

curl --request GET \
     --url '[threshold]=85&match[countryRequired]=false&match[matching]=fuzzy&match[name]=wagner&match[datasets]=REL&page[size]=10&page[number]=1' \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: ***********************' \
     --header 'accept: application/vnd.api+json'

Example response

  "data": [
      "type": "businesses",
      "id": "123456789",
      "attributes": {
        "countries": [
        "datasets": [
        "match": "Wagner",
        "monitoringID": "123456789",
        "name": "The Wagner Group",
        "score": 100,
        "version": 1724761185610
      "links": {
        "self": "/businesses/123456789"
  "links": {
    "self": "/businesses?match[countryRequired]=false&match[datasets]=REL&match[matching]=fuzzy&match[name]=wagner&match[threshold]=85&provider=kyc_aml&page[size]=10&page[number]=1"
  "meta": {
    "totalPages": 1,
    "totalResults": 1

GET /persons/{id}

This endpoint is used to fetch the full compliance profile of a person.

⁉️ Request parameters

  • id - The ID of the person you want to get the profile for. This ID can be fetched from the GET /persons search endpoint.

Example request

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: *********************' \
     --header 'accept: application/vnd.api+json'

Example response

  "data": {
    "type": "persons",
    "id": "123456789",
    "attributes": {
      "addresses": [
          "addressType": "Place of birth",
          "city": "Cityname",
          "countryISOCode": "NL",
          "county": "Province",
          "countyAbbreviation": "PV",
          "line1": "",
          "line2": "",
          "postcode": ""
          "addressType": "Business",
          "city": "Cityname",
          "countryISOCode": "NL",
          "county": "Province",
          "countyAbbreviation": "PV",
          "line1": "Streetname 1",
          "postcode": "1111"
      "aliases": [
          "firstName": "M.",
          "lastName": "Rutte",
          "type": "Shortened Name"
      "businessLinks": [
          "datasets": [
          "id": "123456789",
          "individualLinks": [],
          "monitoringID": "123456789",
          "name": "name",
          "ownershipPercentage": 0,
          "relationship": "Relationship to the business"
      "firstName": "Mark",
      "gender": "Male",
      "griEntries": [],
      "identifiers": [],
      "insEntries": [],
      "isDeceased": false,
      "isDeleted": false,
      "lastName": "Rutte",
      "middleName": "",
      "monitoringID": "123456789",
      "nationalitiesISOCodes": [
      "notes": [],
      "pepByAssociationEntries": [],
      "pepEntries": {
        "pepTier": "PEP Tier 1",
        "former": [
            "countryISOCode": "NL",
            "dateFromISO": "2022-01-10",
            "dateToISO": "2024-07-02",
            "evidenceIDs": [
            "position": "Prime Minister (Minister-President) | Government (Regering)",
            "segment": "Executive Branch - Head and Members of Government and Deputies"
      "poiEntries": [],
      "profileImages": [
      "relEntries": [],
      "rreEntries": [],
      "sanEntries": {},
      "version": 1720112978087
    "links": {
      "self": "/persons/123456789"

GET /businesses/{id}

This endpoint is used to fetch the full compliance profile of a business.

⁉️ Request parameters

  • id - The ID of the business you want to get the profile for. This ID can be fetched from the GET /businesses search endpoint.

Example request

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: *************************' \
     --header 'accept: application/vnd.api+json'

Example response

  "data": {
    "type": "businesses",
    "id": "123456789",
    "attributes": {
      "activities": [
        "Private military company"
      "addresses": [
          "addressType": "Operating",
          "city": "",
          "countryISOCode": "RU",
          "county": "",
          "countyAbbreviation": "",
          "line1": "",
          "line2": "",
          "postcode": ""
      "aliases": [
          "alias": "alias",
          "type": "Name Spelling Variation"
      "businessLinks": [
          "datasets": [
          "id": "123456789",
          "monitoringID": "123456789",
          "name": "Sanad Protection and Security Services",
          "ownershipPercentage": 0,
          "relationship": "relationship to business"
      "businessTypes": [],
      "contactEntries": [],
      "datasets": [
      "deletionReason": {},
      "description": "description of business",
      "evidences": [
          "assetURL": "file.pdf",
          "captureDateISO": "2000-01-01",
          "credibility": "High",
          "datasets": [
          "evidenceID": "24322945",
          "isCopyrighted": false,
          "keywords": "",
          "language": "eng",
          "originalURL": "",
          "publicationDateISO": "2000-01-01",
          "summary": "",
          "title": ""
      "individualLinks": [
          "datasets": [
          "firstName": "firstname",
          "id": "123456789",
          "lastName": "lastname",
          "middleName": "middlename",
          "monitoringID": "123456789",
          "ownershipPercentage": 0,
          "relationship": "relationship"
      "insEntries": [],
      "isDeleted": false,
      "monitoringID": "123456789",
      "name": "The Wagner Group",
      "notes": [
          "value": "notes"
      "poiEntries": [],
      "profileImages": [],
      "relEntries": [
          "category": "category",
          "subcategory": "subcategory",
          "events": [
              "amount": 0,
              "currencyCode": "",
              "dateISO": "2000-01-01",
              "evidenceIDs": [
              "period": {},
              "type": "Economic Restrictive Measure"
      "rreEntries": [],
      "sanEntries": {
        "current": [
            "events": [
                "dateISO": "2024-07-03",
                "evidenceIDs": [
                "type": "Amended"
            "measures": [
              "Asset Freeze"
            "regime": {
              "body": "body",
              "name": "name",
              "origin": "origin country"
            "sanctionID": "22543"
      "soeEntry": null,
      "version": 1724761185610
    "links": {
      "self": "/businesses/123456789"

🔢 Pagination

The results are being paginated. This means the returned result is delivered in batches (by default in 10). To get access to the rest of the results, you can either increase the size in the request to get more results in 1 response or send the same request with page set to 2 or higher. In the metadata of the response is visible how many results and pages the request has in total.

  • size - The amount of total results that will be returned (Default is 10, maximum is 20).
  • page - The page to retrieve (Default is 1).


This API has rate limit of 20 requests per second

⚠️ Possible errors/ unexpected behavior

This list does not contain the error messages associated with API key errors. Please also check the following page to see if the error is listed here when it is not listed in the table below.

Error CodeError MessageSolution
400failed to process provider request: Invalid {search parameter}Please make sure your request contains all the required search parameters
400failed to process request: invalid id formatThe ID in the request is invalid. Please make sure you copy the ID correctly. For example, the ID contains an equal character which could be skipped if you copy it.
400failed to process request: provider not foundThe provider is missing from the request. Please make sure you add &provider=kyc_aml to the request
500failed to process responseThis could happen if the requested pagenumber is higher than the total pages the search produces

Example error response

    "errors": [
            "title": "Bad Request",
            "detail": "failed to process provider request: Invalid name",
            "status": "400",
            "code": "400"

🛠️ Try it yourself!

Ready to test it for yourself?! Please also check our API reference page where you can easily test the API yourself!

🔎 Compliance Monitoring


Do you want to automate the screening process? You will get notified if a person or business profile changed. For this feature and more, check our Monitoring API here

🔤 Glossary

A person or business profile - Full profile of the person or a business, part of the Screening API (e.g., a complete profile of John Doe with all the documents and details).


Are all input parameters case-sensitive?

Yes, both monitoring- and screening APIs are case-sensitive

I get an empty response, what’s going wrong?

The empty response doesn't mean that an error happened. It means the person you're looking for is not present in a given dataset. In the example provided, Willem Holleeder is not a politician (PEP) nor sanctioned (SAN). That's why it makes sense why they don't get any results. You can try adding, for example, RRE (reputational risk exposure) dataset to the request and then they will get a response.

We can’t find the Mayor of Amsterdam / Cologne in the PEP dataset, why?

Mayors are considered PEPs only in the jurisdictions in which the national AML legislation has specifically mentioned them as being in scope.

Generally speaking, only prominent public figures/roles, i.e. senior government members are regarded as PEPs but there are countries in which lower-level government officials are included in the national PEP definitions as well.

Include the POI and RRE datasets and the Mayor’s will be found.

What’s the difference between Fuzzy Matching and Strict matching?

Fuzzy Matching

Description: Fuzzy matching is an advanced technique that can handle small variations and errors in the entered name. It accounts for variations in spelling, typos, etc.


Higher Accuracy: It can find variants of a name even if they do not exactly match the entered name.

Flexibility: Useful if you are unsure of the exact spelling or form of the name you are searching for.

Use Cases: Recommended when you want the most accurate and comprehensive search results. This is particularly useful in situations where there is uncertainty about the exact name, such as compliance checks where different spellings of a name need to be considered.

Strict Matching
Description: Strict matching uses a more restrictive approach that is less tolerant of variations and errors. While this API still applies some degree of fuzzy matching, it is much less forgiving, so to speak.


Fewer Results: Reduces the number of search results by returning only highly accurate matches.

Precise Matches: Suitable when you are certain of the exact name and do not want to consider variations.

Use Cases: Recommended when you want to minimize the number of matches and are confident that you have the exact name. This can be useful in situations where you prefer not to have excessive data and need only the most accurate matches.

Fuzzy Matching: Use this algorithm for the most accurate and comprehensive results. This is particularly useful in compliance screening where names can be written in various ways or may contain small errors.

Strict Matching: Use this algorithm only if you want to minimize the number of matches and are certain of the exact name. This can help prevent too many irrelevant results from being returned.

Suppose you are searching for the name "John Smith":

Fuzzy Matching: Will also return results for "Jon Smith," "J. Smith," "John Smyth," etc.

Strict Matching: Will primarily return results for "John Smith" and possibly some very close variants, but will likely exclude "Jon Smith" or "J. Smith."

By choosing between these algorithms, you can tailor the search results to your specific needs and accuracy requirements in compliance screening processes.