NL Locations

💻 Purpose of the API

The NL Locations API can be used to search for a dutch address by searching on a variety of parameters. This will return a list of addresses that match the search criteria based on the highest score.

🤔 How to use?

Base URL

GET /nl/locations


This endpoint is being billed

With this endpoint, you can search for a dutch address with a set of parameters. This will return a list of addresses and its information about the address.

Request parameters

  • query - Will use all of the values given and return results based on the best match.
  • filter - Filter is used for an exact match. So if the given input doesn't 100% match, no results are given.
  • match - Searches with the given parameters and returns a list based on the highest score. Doesn't have to be an exact match and can contain non complete values.


All of the available search parameters are listed at our API reference page here

The results are being paginated. This means the returned result is delivered in batches (by default in 10). To get access to the rest of the results, you can either increase the size in the request to get more results in 1 response or send the same request with page set to 2 or higher. In the metadata of the response is visible how many results and pages the request have in total.

  • size - The amount of total results that will be returned (Default is 10, maximum is 50).
  • page - The page to retrieve (Default is 1).

Example request

curl --request GET \
     --url '[city]=amsterdam%2012&page[size]=10&page[number]=1' \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: *********************' \
     --header 'accept: application/vnd.api+json'

Example response

    "data": [
            "type": "locations",
            "id": "363200013047546",
            "attributes": {
                "buildingID": 363100012077044,
                "buildingStatus": "PAND_IN_GEBRUIK",
                "buildingYear": 1881,
                "city": "Amsterdam",
                "houseLetter": "",
                "houseNumber": 2,
                "houseNumberAddition": "3",
                "lat": 0,
                "lon": 0,
                "municipality": "Amsterdam",
                "numberIndication": 363200013047546,
                "objectID": 363010012587396,
                "postalCode": "1054KP",
                "province": "Noord-Holland",
                "secondaryAddress": false,
                "status": "VERBLIJFSOBJECT_GEVORMD",
                "street": "Saxenburgerstraat",
                "surfaceArea": 98,
                "usagePurpose": "woonfunctie",
                "x": 119131.534,
                "y": 485790.249
            "type": "locations",
            "id": "363200013047545",
            "attributes": {
                "buildingID": 363100012077044,
                "buildingStatus": "PAND_IN_GEBRUIK",
                "buildingYear": 1881,
                "city": "Amsterdam",
                "houseLetter": "",
                "houseNumber": 2,
                "houseNumberAddition": "2",
                "lat": 0,
                "lon": 0,
                "municipality": "Amsterdam",
                "numberIndication": 363200013047545,
                "objectID": 363010012587395,
                "postalCode": "1054KP",
                "province": "Noord-Holland",
                "secondaryAddress": false,
                "status": "VERBLIJFSOBJECT_GEVORMD",
                "street": "Saxenburgerstraat",
                "surfaceArea": 87,
                "usagePurpose": "woonfunctie",
                "x": 119131.861,
                "y": 485790.434
    "links": {
        "last": "/nl/locations?query=amster&page[size]=10&page[number]=2697",
        "next": "/nl/locations?query=amster&page[size]=10&page[number]=2",
        "self": "/nl/locations?query=amster&page[size]=10&page[number]=1"
    "meta": {
        "totalPages": 2697,
        "totalResults": 26963

⚠️ Possible errors/ unexpected behaviour

This list does not contain the error messages associated with API key errors. Please also check the following page to see if the error is listed here when it is not listed in the table below.

Error CodeError MessageSolution

🛠️ Try it yourself!

Ready to test it for yourself?! Please also check our API reference page where you can easily test the API yourself!